A familiy passion

BSC history begins when Roberto Colzani decided to transform his passion in his job. Always a lover of sailing, he created his first rib combining elegance and large spaces to make the journey comfortable and exciting.

BSC Colzani was born from this passion in 1990. The headquarter is in Mariano Comense, a few kilometers from that body of water that has fascinated and conquered sailors, tourists and writers for centuries: Lake Como. It is in this place rich in history and culture that Roberto launched his first rib. Inspired by beauty and speed, in the same year of the foundation, Colzani designed two more models, immediately exposed at the Genoa Boat Show: a success shared by experts and enthusiasts.

The adrenaline of that moment has lasted through decades. Roberto transmitted imagination, passion and vision to his children Laura and Alessandro who immediately begin to expand the BSC Colzani variety with boats, ribs and tender studied in every detail: unique, durable, and customizable pieces, with an elegant style and an exquisitely Italian design. Work-, tourist- and sport boats intended for divers and excursionists were quickly joining recreational ribs.

BSC offer is completed in 2019 with the top of variety: leisure ribs, comfortable, powerful and refined with an attractive design.

To date there are 4 BSC lines: B Line, Tourism, Tender and Open. A wide range of proposals designed and created to satisfy every navigator: for those who want to enjoy a day in the company of their family or friends, for those who want to live an adrenaline-filled, fun-filled experience, for those looking for a fast and practical vehicle to leave their yacht and venture towards new horizons… Tailor-made passion, for everyone.

Fall in love with details

Each BSC line and each rib is the product of a careful selection of materials and components which are entirely processed and assembled in our shipyard in Mariano Comense (CO). In all the ribs we produce, our specialized craftsmen create every detail and every sewing with extreme care and attention: all this to offer quality products that are completely Made in Italy.

Tailor-made passion, for everyone

Colors, materials and accessories: in BSC each element is designed specifically for each rib. The choice is never trivial. For this reason, the creation of each boat outlines a construction path in which the rudder is tightened in unison with the customer: together we choose sizes, colors and textures. Each rib is a product coordinated in every detail: from the threads used for the cushions to the chrome plating of the handrails, from the cushions to the teak, everything is selected with care and attention in order to combine functionality and aesthetics for always excellent navigation.

Close to the customer

At BSC we take care of our customer, personally accompanying them from the choice to the customization of the rib based on their tastes and needs. For us it is essential to build a relationship of trust with those who choose our boats so that there is always a direct discussion in every phase of the work, from the design phase to maintenance in the years following the purchase.